Memorial Day Weekend Tips – Avoid regretting next Tuesday!
May 22, 2015
June 4, 2015
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Portion Distortion

There has been a DRAMATIC change in the portions, servings, slices and pieces we are “allowed” to eat over the past 20 years.


In the food industry the motto of “bigger is better” has taken over along with mass marketing to get us to buy bigger sizes to save money saying it’s a better value. But what are we really buying into here? Something isn’t quite right when the healthy food is more expensive and you receive coupons for junk food.


Here’s a couple comparisons of how portion sizes have changed in the past two decades with some popular foods:


Pizza: 10 inches in diameter 16-18 inches in diameter
Starbucks “short cup” :8 oz No longer available! Smallest size is 12oz
Hershey’s Chocolate bar: .6 oz 1.6 oz THREE times original weight!
Burger King whopper: 3.9 oz 12.6 oz
McDonald’s original patty: 1.6 oz 8 oz…FIVE TIMES more meat



Bigger portions mean we eat more than we NEED. Think about it…when a larger portion of food is placed in front of us we actually eat 30-50% more! What’s worse is that we don’t even realize that we’re doing it!


What can you do to make sure you’re not committing this eating faux pas? Make sure your plates aren’t supersized! A medium plate that is “crowded out” with veggies is a more balanced and healthy approach to a meal. Also try having your salad and a glass of water before your lunch or dinner. The time between finishing your “appetizer” and actually eating your meal will suffice as a message to your brain that you aren’t as hungry as you think you are…thus you will not over eat!

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